Distributing energy for everyday life

Corporate Governance

The Compensation and Appointments Committee, a specialized committee of the Supervisory Board, was established at the Supervisory Board meeting of March 11, 2015.


The duties of the Compensation and Appointments Committee include:

  • provide the Supervisory Board with an opinion on the compensation policy for the General Management prepared by the General Partners;
  • provide the Supervisory Board with an opinion on the remuneration to be allocated or paid to the General Management for the past fiscal year, in accordance with the policy approved by the shareholders at the Shareholders’ Meeting;
  • submit a draft compensation policy for the Board to the Supervisory Board;
  • provide the Supervisory Board with an opinion on the compensation allocated or paid to the Chairman of the Supervisory Board for the past fiscal year;
  • formulate proposals for the Board on the overall amount to be granted to the members of the Board and their allocation based on the contribution of each of the members and their attendance rate;
  • formulate proposals for the renewal of the terms of office of the members of the Board and of the Committees and for all new appointments ensuring that there is a balance in terms of equality and with respect to the overall rate of independence of the Board;
  • provide the Supervisory Board with an opinion on the independence of the members of the Board prior to the Shareholders’ Meeting by verifying annually that the members of the Board classified as independent continue to meet the criteria of objectivity and independence set out in the Afep-Medef Code;
  • ensuring the organization of the Board assessment process that takes place every three years.


The Compensation and Appointments Committee has three independent members. The Chairman has a casting vote.

Laure Grimonpret-Tahon

Independent member
Date of appointment or renewal of term of office:
OGM 2021

Term expires:
OGM 2024


Nils Christian Bergene

Independent member
Date of appointment or renewal of term of office:
OGM 2024

Term expires:
OGM 2027

Also Chairman of the Audit and CSR Committee


Cécile Maisonneuve

Independent member
Date of appointment or renewal of term of office:
OGM 2024

Term expires:
OGM 2027
