For almost 35 years,
Rubis has grown substantially to become a recognised specialist in the energies sector. The Group has put in place an ambitious growth strategy based on both organic growth and a dynamic policy of targeted acquisitions

Rubis disposes of its 55% stake in the Rubis Terminal joint venture (now Tepsa) to the infrastructure fund I Squared Capital and refocuses its activities on energy.

Rubis acquires 80% of Photosol France, a leading independent solar power producer

Rubis invests in renewable energies and becomes the second largest shareholder in HDF Energy (Hydrogène de France) with 18.5% of the capital

Rubis joins forces with infrastructure fund I Squared Capital: Rubis Terminal becomes a 55%-owned joint venture
Acquisition of Gulf Energy, no. 4 in the Kenyan energy distribution market

Acquisition of Gulf Energy, no. 4 in the Kenyan energy distribution market

Controlling 97.6% stake acquired in KenolKobil, the leading distributor of petroleum products in East Africa

Acquisition of Dinasa and its subsidiary Sodigaz (main distributor of petroleum products in Haiti)
Acquisition of companies in the Galana group (Madagascar's leading fuel distributor)
Acquisition of a fuel distribution network in Corsica and an additional 21.5% stake in DPLC (Dépôts pétroliers de la Corse, already a Group subsidiary)

Completion of the acquisition of Eres, the leading distributor of bitumen in West Africa, and creation of the Support & Services business
Acquisition of SRPP (Société Réunionnaise de Produits Pétroliers), which specialises in the distribution of fuels and gas cylinders

Rubis strengthens its position in Switzerland by acquiring Total's LPG distribution business

Acquisition of BP's LPG business in Portugal
Rubis expands its presence in the Caribbean with the acquisition of a distribution network in Jamaica

Acquisition of the Chevron group's distribution network in the Bahamas, Cayman Islands and Turks and Caicos Islands

Rubis listed on the SBF 120 and SBF 80 indices
Acquisition of a distribution network in the Caribbean from Chevron and first RUBiS service stations in the Channel Islands
Acquisition of Easigas, a leading LPG distributor in Southern Africa
Rubis doubles its positions in Spain by acquiring BP's LPG business

Construction of new storage tanks in Rotterdam
Rubis enters fuel distribution market in Corsica

Start-up of operations at the Rotterdam terminal and launch of engineering work in Antwerp
Acquisition of Shell's distribution activities in Jersey and Guernsey
Acquisition of Totalgaz's LPG distribution activities in Spain
Rubis enters into aviation fuel distribution sector

Launch of the "Casino" gas cylinder
Rubis Terminal builds a chemicals and petroleum specialities depot in Rotterdam
In partnership with Mitsui and ITC, Rubis begins construction of a new 110,000 cubic metre terminal in Antwerp (Belgium), dedicated to the storage of chemicals, gas and petroleum products
Service stations in the French West Indies and French Guiana switched to "ViTO" branding

Acquisition of Shell’s petroleum products distribution activities in Bermuda
Partnership with BP to distribute LPG fuel through the BP service station network
Partnership with BP France to market LPG in cylinders in the Intermarché supermarket network (under the Energaz brand)

Acquisition from Shell of SAGF, a distributor of LPG and petroleum products in the French West Indies and French Guiana

Rubis included in the new CAC Mid 100, CAC Mid and Small 190 and SBF 250 benchmark indices

Start-up of Energy Distribution in Madagascar and the Comoro Islands (acquired in 1999)

Start-up of Vitogaz Maroc operations (acquired in 1997)

Launch of GAZ'L LPG fuel in supermarkets

Listing on the Paris stock exchange

Acquisition of butane and propane gas distributor Vitogaz (founded in 1939)

Acquisition of Rubis Terminal (formerly CPA, founded in 1877), the industrial liquid storage business

Creation of RUBIS