
Individual shareholders

Investing in Rubis means actively supporting access to safe, reliable and affordable energy for as many people as possible, while developing low-carbon solutions to meet the climate challenge.

The Company’s success is based on a long-term vision, characterised by rigour and prudence, ensuring a trajectory of sustainable, profitable and rewarding growth for its shareholders. 

Receive an increasing dividend
every year

Investing in a growing sector

Driving forward the energy transition

Letters to shareholders

Letter #4

September 2024

Letter #3

June 2024

Letter #2

June 2024

More information

Share Price

Financial Calendar

Press Release

How can I become a shareholder?

All you need to become a Rubis shareholder is one share.

You can buy Rubis shares directly through an ordinary securities account or a Plan d’Epargne en Actions (PEA), via your usual bank, which will explain the different investment vehicles available and how to place a stock market order.

You can also contact Uptevia (formerly Caceis), our authorised financial institution, to open an account and acquire Rubis shares in pure registered form, and benefit from the advantages of this type of holding.

At Uptevia
At your bank or other financial institution

Pure registered shares

Administered registered shares

Bearer shares

Your contact

90 – 110 esplanade du Général de Gaulle
92931 Paris-La-Défense Cedex
Tel. : + 33 (0)1 57 78 34 44

Your financial intermediary, who transmits information about your shares to Uptevia

Your financial intermediary

Custody and management fees


Variable fees determined by your financial intermediary

Brokerage fees


Variable fees determined by your financial intermediary

Notice of Meeting and single form for voting by post or by proxy

Sent by Uptevia*

Obtained from your financial intermediary

Documents relating to the Shareholders’ Meeting

Sent to your home address by Uptevia or accessible from our Shareholders’ Meetings section*

Obtained from your financial intermediary or or accessible from our Shareholders’ Meetings section

Admission to the Shareholders’ Meeting

Your admission card (or, failing that, photo ID)

Your admission card or certificate of attendance and photo ID

Form in case of option for payment of dividend in shares

Sent by Uptevia

Sent by your financial intermediary

Payment of dividend

Payment of the dividend in cash or shares is made by Uptevia

Payment of the dividend in cash or shares is made by your financial intermediary

Trading orders

Send to Uptevia

Send to your financial intermediary(takes longer)

Tax documents

Uptevia will send you a single tax form listing the transactions carried out on your Rubis shares

Your financial intermediary will send you a single tax form consolidating all transactions in your securities account

Registration of securities in a PEA share account

Yes (strict and regulated conditions)


Modification of the form of ownership

Contact Uptevia

Contact your financial intermediary

* Registered shareholders can request that notices of future Shareholders’ Meetings and related documentation be sent to them electronically by completing the form available at the end of the Notice to attend.

Frequently asked questions

How can I find out about the Group's results?

Rubis publishes a press release for each financial publication. For half-year and full-year results, we also offer you a presentation of the highlights in audio or video format.

To receive our press releases by email,

How can I take part in the Shareholders’ Meeting?

Shareholders may participate in the Meeting either:

  • by physically attending;
  • by postal vote (online or by mail); or
  • by giving proxy to the Chairman of the Meeting or to a representative.

Two means are available for shareholders to express their method of participation in the Meeting:

  • the Votaccess online platform;
  • the single form attached to the Notice of Meeting.

What should I do if I have not received the Notice of Meeting?

If you are a registered shareholder, the Notice of Meeting and the single form for voting by post or by proxy, will be sent to you automatically at least 15 days before the date of the Meeting. If you have not received them by that date, please contact Uptevia by email at or by telephone on +33 (0)1 57 78 32 32.

If you are a bearer shareholder, you must contact your financial intermediary to request the documents relating to the Shareholders’ Meeting.

Another question?

If you need more information, please contact us at

Sign up to receive an email
as soon as new information is
published on our company

In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation, you have the right to access, rectify and delete your data by contacting us at and by clicking on the unsubscribe link in communications.

You have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete data concerning you (French Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978). To exercise this right, all you have to do is unsubscribe from your subscriber file or make a request by e-mail to the company Actusnews Wire, provider of the “Publication Alert” service


Head Office

Investor Relations

Shareholder Relations

To become a shareholder

Shareholders’ Meeting

Press Relations

Personal data


Last update: 13/11/2019

Rubis SCA (hereinafter referred to as “Rubis”) attaches great importance to the protection of your personal data (hereinafter referred to as “Personal Data”), which refers to any information relating to an individual, provided voluntarily by them or collected as part of their browsing on the website (hereinafter referred to as “the Website”).
The purpose of this notice is to describe how Rubis processes Personal Data collected when you use the website and to inform you of your rights under data protection regulations.

1. Purpose of collecting Personal Data and retention period

  • Financial communications mailing list
    Rubis collects Personal Data (gender, surname, first name, email address, country of residence, language) via the online form that allows you to subscribe to its financial communications email list. The Personal Data collected is kept for as long as you are subscribed to this mailing list and is archived in accordance with current regulations.
    You can unsubscribe from the financial communications mailing list by clicking on the dedicated hypertext link at the end of the e-mails.
  • Cookies
    In order to offer you a better service, Rubis compiles statistics and measures the audience for the Website. To enable statistical analysis, the Website provider uses the services of etracker GmbH, which installs cookies (small text files stored by the Internet browser on the user’s device). Data generated with etracker GmbH is processed and stored exclusively by etracker GmbH. It is processed in accordance with Article 6 of the General Data Protection Regulation.
    A window is automatically displayed when you first log on to the Site detailing the types of cookies installed and allowing you to select those whose use you accept. Please note that cookies may be stored temporarily (for as long as your web browsing session is open), or may have a longer lifespan, depending on their settings and those of your web browser.
    You may refuse to accept cookies (although their non-installation may limit certain functions of the Site). The configuration of browsing tools for this purpose is described by the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL), at the following address (french only):

2. Recipients of Personal Data

The Personal Data collected is processed by Rubis or, where applicable, by a service provider bound by contract to respect its confidentiality and security and to use it only for the purposes of the task entrusted to it. Rubis undertakes not to sell, rent or transfer it to third parties.

3. Storage and hosting of Personal Data

Personal Data collected by Rubis is stored and hosted on secure servers located in the European Union.

4. Security of Personal Data

Rubis implements appropriate measures to preserve the security, confidentiality and integrity of Personal Data, in particular to prevent it from being distorted, damaged or accessed by unauthorised third parties.

5. Enforceable rights with regard to the protection of Personal Data

The regulations give you the following rights with regard to your Personal Data:

  • a right of access, rectification and deletion;
  • the right to object to or limit the collection of personal data;
  • a right to portability ;
  • the right to determine what happens to your data after your death;
  • the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.

For more information, visit the following page on the CNIL website (french only): .

6. Contact

You can contact Rubis at the following address:

Legal information

Last update: 3/11/2023


Website publisher: RUBIS SCA, hereinafter the “Company”

SCA with share capital of 128,691,957.50 euros

Registered office: 46, rue Boissière – 75116 Paris, France
784 393 530 RCS Paris

LEI code: 969500MGFIKUGLTC9742

VAT number: FR 81784393530

Tel: +33 (0)1 44 17 95 95

Director of publication: Jacques Riou

Technical designer of the website: Agence TAKA (

Limited liability company (SARL) with capital of €5,500

Registered office: 2 place Jules Gévelot – 92130 Issy les Moulineaux, France
512 910 704 RCS Nanterre

VAT number: FR75512910704

Tel: +33 (0)1 74 31 35 50

Website host: EQS Group AG

Registered office: Karlstraße 47 – D-80333 Munich, Germany

Tel: +49 (0) 89 210298-0

Fax: +49 (0) 89 210298-49



The purpose of the website is to provide all interested parties (hereinafter referred to as “users”) with information on the activities and results of the Company and the companies it directly or indirectly controls within the meaning of French law. The website, including this legal notice, may be updated at any time.


The information and documents available on the website (including the texts, images, photographs, videos, sounds, databases, company names, logos, products and brands mentioned) are either the exclusive property of the Company or one of the companies it controls, or are subject to rights of use, reproduction and representation or copyrights. Any reproduction, representation or use is prohibited without the express authorisation of the Company.
Copyright of images produced on the website:
© Gilles Dacquin
© Rubis group photo library


Users can access information available on the website via an RSS feed. The use of this right is granted by the Company for individual and non-commercial purposes only, provided that the website URL is clearly mentioned.


Rubis may need to collect your personal data in order to respond to a request from you. This data is processed by Rubis or, where applicable, by a service provider bound by contract to respect its confidentiality and security and to use it only for the purposes of the assignment entrusted to it. Rubis undertakes not to sell, rent or transfer it to third parties.

In accordance with current regulations, you have the right to access, rectify, delete and object to your personal data.

In order to offer you a better service, Rubis compiles statistics and measures the audience for the Website. To enable statistical analysis, the Website provider uses the services of etracker GmbH, which installs cookies (small text files stored by the Internet browser on the user’s device). Data generated with etracker GmbH is processed and stored exclusively by etracker GmbH. Data is processed in accordance with Article 6 of the General Data Protection Regulation.

We inform you so that you may refuse to accept these cookies. However, the non-installation of a cookie may limit certain functions of the Site. The configuration of the navigation tools is described at .


The Company declines all responsibility:

  • in the event of imprecision, inaccuracy or omission concerning information or documents available on the website, including computer links (hypertext links, etc.) used by or referring to the website;
  • in the event of direct or indirect damage, whatever the causes, origins, nature or consequences, resulting from access to the website or the impossibility of accessing it, from its use or from the credit given to any information or document originating directly or indirectly from the website (these in no way constituting an invitation to invest, a form of canvassing or a public offer of financial instruments).

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