our commitments

Reducing our environmental footprint

As an energy company, we know that our contribution to protecting the environment is key, and we conduct our activities in such a way as to minimise their impact as far as possible.

Over the last ten years or so, we have been structuring our CSR approach in order to manage its effectiveness and make our contribution even clearer to all our stakeholders.

Confirming and managing our climate commitments

We are aware of our responsibility in the fight against climate change. Dedicated teams implement our commitments and manage projects aimed at reducing our emissions (emissions linked to our value chain, excluding emissions linked to the use of products sold).

Following the carbon footprint assessment we carried out in 2019, we have drawn up a climate strategy based on three key areas:

Reducing discharges

Reducing the discharges from our operations (CO₂ emissions and accidental spills)

Investing in renewable energies

Complementing our traditional businesses by seeking investments in renewable energies

our offers

Promoting the energy transition in all our markets by developing the distribution of less carbon-intensive energies

Reducing the carbon footprint of our operations

We are aiming to reduce our CO2 emissions by 30% by 2030 for scopes 1 and 2 (base year 2019, on an isoactivity basis).

To achieve this, we take a number of actions on a daily basis and at different levels.

Reducing the energy consumption of industrial facilities

Replacement of energy-consuming equipment (refinery furnaces, heating systems, etc.)

Solarisation programme for our service stations, certain depots and our administrative premises

Adapting our maritime transport

Use of biofuels

Optimising our journeys

Control and monitoring of bitumen heating on ships

Sea Cargo Charter membership

Transforming our land transport

Use of Liquefied Natural Gas and HVO (bio diesel fuel) for our delivery lorries and our fleet of company vehicles

Eco-driving training for our drivers

Offering less carbon-intensive solutions

We are diversifying our traditional activities in three areas:

  • the move towards electric mobility,
  • the supply of biofuels,
  • the development of hybrid solutions for our business customers.

Developing the distribution of renewable energies

We are making a strategic shift towards renewable energies.

After concluding an industrial agreement with HDF Energy in June 2021 to develop hydrogen-electricity plants, we acquired Photosol France in April 2022, the leading independent producer of photovoltaic energy.

We are thus becoming a multi-energy Group, with the creation of our Rubis Renouvelables branch to complement our traditional businesses.

Protecting resources and life

In addition to their impact on the climate, our operations are likely to disrupt ecosystems that we know to be fragile. We are also particularly concerned to preserve biodiversity and water resources and to reduce our environmental footprint (accidental spills, atmospheric emissions) by applying high HSE standards wherever we operate, even when this is not required by regulation.


Identifying the impact of our solar farms on the soil, flora and wildlife, so that we can better control it

Reasoned use of plant protection products, fertilisers and all chemical products

Mechanical and manual weeding, eco-pasturing favoured on our solar farms


Preventing water pollution from accidental spills

Reducing the net consumption of fresh water at our sites, and in particular at the refinery: use of rainwater and treatment of water used, Green Water project

HSE culture

Our Health, Safety and Environment charter sets out the common standards that enable us to limit the impact of our activities on the environment and protect the safety of our employees. Often going beyond local regulations, they are a guarantee that we apply best industry practice

Managing our actions to protect biodiversity

Land to be eco-pasture by 2023, with vigilance clauses relating to animal welfare
0 %
Development of indicators to measure biodiversity in our parks


Focus on the Green Water project

In Martinique, we have invested in 2019 in an innovative seawater desalination project using reverse osmosis, called Green Water.
Every year, the refinery consumes almost half of the Group’s water consumption to fuel its boilers. When we drew water from the public network, we were at the top of the list for water consumption in Martinique. Green Water will eventually reduce the refinery’s consumption of mains water by 80%, including in the event of power cuts, leaving the drinking water in the network available to the local population.


À Madagascar, Vitogaz lutte contre la déforestation

En 60 ans, 45 % des forêts naturelles ont été détruites principalement pour produire du charbon de bois et de bois de chauffe pour la cuisson. 90 % des foyers malgaches utilisent cette source d’énergie qui permet un achat journalier par petites quantités. Pour lutter contre ce fléau, Vitogaz Madagascar propose aux consommateurs d’acheter du gaz au détail (de 500 g à 2,5 kg) pour étaler leurs dépenses. Ce dispositif, en place depuis 2018, permet de lutter contre la déforestation, protéger la biodiversité et prévenir les maladies respiratoires.

Se chauffer de manière durable dans les îles anglo-normandes

Pour se chauffer en luttant contre le changement climatique sans modifier son installation, Rubis distribue de l'EcoHeat100, un fioul domestique 100 % renouvelable. Ce biocarburant de deuxième génération est fabriqué à partir de matières premières renouvelables et durables, telles que des huiles de cuisson usagées et des graisses résiduelles. Il permet une réduction de 90 % des émissions de CO₂ comparé au gazole habituel, sans odeur ni particules fines.

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Personal data


Last update: 13/11/2019

Rubis SCA (hereinafter referred to as “Rubis”) attaches great importance to the protection of your personal data (hereinafter referred to as “Personal Data”), which refers to any information relating to an individual, provided voluntarily by them or collected as part of their browsing on the website www.rubis.fr (hereinafter referred to as “the Website”).
The purpose of this notice is to describe how Rubis processes Personal Data collected when you use the www.rubis.fr website and to inform you of your rights under data protection regulations.

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2. Recipients of Personal Data

The Personal Data collected is processed by Rubis or, where applicable, by a service provider bound by contract to respect its confidentiality and security and to use it only for the purposes of the task entrusted to it. Rubis undertakes not to sell, rent or transfer it to third parties.

3. Storage and hosting of Personal Data

Personal Data collected by Rubis is stored and hosted on secure servers located in the European Union.

4. Security of Personal Data

Rubis implements appropriate measures to preserve the security, confidentiality and integrity of Personal Data, in particular to prevent it from being distorted, damaged or accessed by unauthorised third parties.

5. Enforceable rights with regard to the protection of Personal Data

The regulations give you the following rights with regard to your Personal Data:

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For more information, visit the following page on the CNIL website (french only): https://www.cnil.fr/fr/les-droits-pour-maitriser-vos-donnees-personnelles .

6. Contact

You can contact Rubis at the following address: communication@rubis.fr.

Legal information

Last update: 3/11/2023


Website publisher: RUBIS SCA, hereinafter the “Company”

SCA with share capital of 129,005,313.75 euros

Registered office: 46, rue Boissière – 75116 Paris, France
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